1,466 research outputs found

    Curbing Tax Expenditures

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    Reviews trends in tax expenditures and their effects and examines three options for raising tax revenue by applying limits to large and widely utilized tax preferences: a fixed percentage credit, a cap based on income, and a constant percentage reduction

    Helping to Support CPC+ Initiative to Integrate Behavioral Health Within Primary Care: A Team-Based Approach to Improving Depression Management

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    AIM: The objective of this project is to increase the rate of documented successful treatment of depression for both new and established diagnoses of depression at Jefferson Internal Medicine Associates (JIMA) from 29% to 50% over 12 months.https://jdc.jefferson.edu/patientsafetyposters/1027/thumbnail.jp

    High-resolution computed tomography reconstructions of invertebrate burrow systems

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    The architecture of biogenic structures can be highly influential in determining species contributions to major soil and sediment processes, but detailed 3-D characterisations are rare and descriptors of form and complexity are lacking. Here we provide replicate high-resolution micro-focus computed tomography (μ-CT) data for the complete burrow systems of three co-occurring, but functionally contrasting, sediment-dwelling inter-tidal invertebrates assembled alone, and in combination, in representative model aquaria. These data (≤2,000 raw image slices aquarium−1, isotropic voxel resolution, 81 μm) provide reference models that can be used for the development of novel structural analysis routines that will be of value within the fields of ecology, pedology, geomorphology, palaeobiology, ichnology and mechanical engineering. We also envisage opportunity for those investigating transport networks, vascular systems, plant rooting systems, neuron connectivity patterns, or those developing image analysis or statistics related to pattern or shape recognition. The dataset will allow investigators to develop or test novel methodology and ideas without the need to generate a complete three-dimensional computation of exemplar architecture

    On the Mechanism of Gene Amplification Induced under Stress in Escherichia coli

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    Gene amplification is a collection of processes whereby a DNA segment is reiterated to multiple copies per genome. It is important in carcinogenesis and resistance to chemotherapeutic agents, and can underlie adaptive evolution via increased expression of an amplified gene, evolution of new gene functions, and genome evolution. Though first described in the model organism Escherichia coli in the early 1960s, only scant information on the mechanism(s) of amplification in this system has been obtained, and many models for mechanism(s) were possible. More recently, some gene amplifications in E. coli were shown to be stress-inducible and to confer a selective advantage to cells under stress (adaptive amplifications), potentially accelerating evolution specifically when cells are poorly adapted to their environment. We focus on stress-induced amplification in E. coli and report several findings that indicate a novel molecular mechanism, and we suggest that most amplifications might be stress-induced, not spontaneous. First, as often hypothesized, but not shown previously, certain proteins used for DNA double-strand-break repair and homologous recombination are required for amplification. Second, in contrast with previous models in which homologous recombination between repeated sequences caused duplications that lead to amplification, the amplified DNAs are present in situ as tandem, direct repeats of 7–32 kilobases bordered by only 4 to 15 base pairs of G-rich homology, indicating an initial non-homologous recombination event. Sequences at the rearrangement junctions suggest nonhomologous recombination mechanisms that occur via template switching during DNA replication, but unlike previously described template switching events, these must occur over long distances. Third, we provide evidence that 3′-single-strand DNA ends are intermediates in the process, supporting a template-switching mechanism. Fourth, we provide evidence that lagging-strand templates are involved. Finally, we propose a novel, long-distance template-switching model for the mechanism of adaptive amplification that suggests how stress induces the amplifications. We outline its possible applicability to amplification in humans and other organisms and circumstances

    Seasonal Movements and Distribution of Steller’s Eiders (Polysticta stelleri) Wintering at Kodiak Island, Alaska

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    We used satellite telemetry in 2004–06 to describe the annual movements and habitat use of a segment of the Pacific population of Steller’s Eiders (Polysticta stelleri) that winters at Kodiak Island, Alaska. Information about broad-scale patterns of seasonal distribution and links among annual cycle stages is critical for interpreting population trends and developing conservation strategies. We captured birds in Chiniak Bay at Kodiak Island in late February and early March and monitored the movements after departure from Kodiak Island of 24 satellite-tagged birds: 16 after-second-year (ASY) age class females, one second-year age class female, and seven ASY males. All birds used the same intercontinental migration corridor during spring, but routes and chronology of spring migration appeared to vary by year and among individuals. Sixteen of the 24 birds that were tracked migrated to breeding areas along the Arctic coast of Russia from the Chukotka Peninsula to the Taymyr Peninsula; five birds, assumed to be non-breeding, spent the summer in nearshore waters of Russia and Alaska; and the remaining three birds either died during spring migration or had failed transmitters. Thirteen birds were tracked to molt sites that were broadly distributed along the coast of Alaska. Molt sites included St. Lawrence Island, the Kuskokwim Shoals, Kamishak Bay, and three sites along the Alaska Peninsula. Twelve of these 13 birds returned to Kodiak Island to winter, and a single male wintered on the Alaska Peninsula. Steller’s Eiders marked during winter at Kodiak Island were widely distributed during the breeding season, but a large proportion of marked birds returned to molting and wintering areas in two years of the study.De 2004 à 2006, nous avons recouru à la télémétrie satellitaire pour décrire l’utilisation de l’habitat et les mouvements annuels d’un segment de la population d’eiders de Steller (Polysticta stelleri) dans la région du Pacifique, eiders qui hivernent sur l’île Kodiak, en Alaska. Il est essentiel d’obtenir des données sur les tendances à grande échelle de la répartition saisonnière et des liens entre les divers stades du cycle annuel de ces oiseaux afin d’être en mesure d’interpréter leurs tendances démographiques et d’élaborer des stratégies de conservation. Nous avons capturé des oiseaux dans la baie Chiniak de l’île Kodiak vers la fin février et le début mars. Après notre départ de l’île Kodiak, nous avons surveillé les mouvements de 24 oiseaux pistés par satellite : 16 femelles de plus de deux ans, une femelle de deux ans et sept mâles de plus de deux ans. Tous les oiseaux ont emprunté le même couloir de migration intercontinental au printemps, mais les routes et la chronologie de la migration printanière semblaient varier d’une année à l’autre et d’un individu à l’autre. Seize des24 oiseaux pistés ont migré vers des aires de reproduction situées le long de la côte arctique de la Russie, depuis la presqu’île de Tchoukotkae jusqu’à la presqu’île de Taïmyr; cinq oiseaux, probablement non reproducteurs, ont passé l’été dans les eaux côtières de la Russie et de l’Alaska, tandis que les trois autres oiseaux sont morts pendant la migration printanière ou étaient dotés de transmetteurs défectueux. Treize oiseaux ont été repérés à des sites de mue largement répartis le long de la côte de l’Alaska. Parmi ces sites, notons ceux de l’île Saint-Laurent, du haut-fond de Kuskokwim, de la baie de Kamishak et de trois autres sites le long de la péninsule de l’Alaska. Douze de ces 13 oiseaux sont retournés à l’île Kodiak pour passer l’hiver, et un seul mâle a hiverné dans la péninsule de l’Alaska. Les eiders de Steller qui ont été marqués à l’île Kodiak pendant l’hiver étaient largement répartis pendant la saison de reproduction, mais une grande proportion d’oiseaux pistés sont retournés aux aires de mue et d’hivernage au cours des deux années visées par l’étude

    Twisted equivariant K-theory with complex coefficients

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    Using a global version of the equivariant Chern character, we describe the complexified twisted equivariant K-theory of a space with a compact Lie group action in terms of fixed-point data. We apply this to the case of a compact Lie group acting on itself by conjugation, and relate the result to the Verlinde algebra and to the Kac numerator at q=1. Verlinde's formula is also discussed in this context.Comment: Final version, to appear in Topology. Exposition improved, rational homotopy calculation completely rewritte